honestly im a huge nerd so im basically into any fandoms like Sally Face, FNAF, Yandere Sim. Ect.  

Im not that interesting so i dont know what to say but i like to yap? im a yapster and never shut up so prepare. 

i enjoy pulling all nighters so my dm’s are always open if anyone wants to chat.


about me

hiya! my name is vinny.. or vinsterz. Or Koda, i have alot of usernames.

I play on multiple platforms ! VR, PC, Xbox, Playstation and mobile!

My dm’s are always open :)

I like to use C:AI and i am a character creator. I dont really have a life so im always on my phone so im always free.

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17 July 2008


music wall



Behind Blue Eyes

Limp Bizkit

What Do They Know?

Mindless Self Indulgence

show your working out!



